Thursday, December 8, 2011

Exercise Bike Training Vs A Wind-Trainer For Triathletes

!±8± Exercise Bike Training Vs A Wind-Trainer For Triathletes

In the 1980's, 1990's it was all the rage to have an exercise bike set up somewhere in your home. More often then not, these expensive pieces of equipment would be used vigorously for a few weeks and then be relegated to a corner where they would collect dust. Yes those New Years resolutions were made in good faith, but we all know how hard it is to maintain a steady exercise regimen.

However, now that triathlon has had such an impact on the sporting world when it comes to the average person, many of those exercise bikes are being brought out of hibernation and oiled up. Every year more and more people are bitten by the triathlon bug and are anxious to get into shape and brush up on their biking skills and all of a sudden their exercise bike is a shining star once again. But is an exercise bike just as good a way of learning how to bike as a real bike attached to an bicycle indoor training stand, better known as a wind-trainer?

Actually, it's not even close. Most of the out-dated exercise bikes have you sitting straight up on the bicycle seat. This is not the optimum biking position for a triathlete. It's important to get used to the different positioning of your hands and body that come with riding an actual road bike.

Whether you have a road bike with the traditional "drop" handle-bars or a triathlon bike, both will have you in a far different body position than an exercise bike will. It is important that your body becomes accustomed to being in the more aerodynamic positions that a road and triathlon bike equipped with aero-bars will put you in.

Although an exercise bike can help people get fitter, it is not necessarily the best option for aspiring triathletes and the best course of action is to buy a bicycle indoor training stand(wind-trainer)and attach a real road bike to it as there is no comparison between and exercise bike and a real bike.

Exercise Bike Training Vs A Wind-Trainer For Triathletes

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